
Counseling  Modalities

The process of counseling requires a foundation of understanding who we are and how are we created.  What a woman longs to know and what a man longs to know  is clearly written upon their hearts in similar yet unique ways.  The desires of a woman’s heart are reflected in these questions: Am I delighted in? Am I cherished? Am I beautiful?  Do you see me? A man longs to know deep within his heart:  Am I my father’s beloved son? Do I have what it takes to be a man? These understandings of our heart and desires reflect the one aspect of help offered to those who are seeking counseling.

What Counseling Services Are Provided At  HCS?

  1. Individual Counseling: encompasses dealing with depression, interpersonal and intrapersonal struggles, anxiety, stress, coping skills, emotional intelligence, struggles with sexual addiction, compulsion and spiritual struggles.
  2. Premarital Counseling: premarital counseling focuses on helping the two individuals look at their differences and how these differences may later be a source of tension in their relationship. Other areas of focus involve how conflict is handled between the two of them, how they deal with finances, relationships with the in-laws, and preparing them for the challenges that lie ahead that may challenge their relationship.
  3. Marital Counseling: To Help Marriages develop a deeper care and understanding of each other, through communication, emotional validation, valuing each other’s differences, knowing each other’s story, understanding each others life experiences, and developing a healthy curiosity about each other. Often marital conflicts are due to a source of what is called implicit memory and how these memories are triggered during marital interactions often leading to conflict. Having a meaningful marriage is born out of ” being known by each other.”
  4. Family Counseling:  To help with parent-child relationships, differences in parenting styles, working together as a team. What parents model to their kids through conflict resolution and emotional validation or the lack of emotional validation have a tremendous influence upon what styles of relating children will take into their own relationships later on in life.  Working together as a team in the dynamics of a family builds integrity, character and hope.